在google earth卻是"非常安全"滴
但每個豪宅主人知道google earth被這樣用
而且 最不道德的是
如果因此濫用導致google earth在使用上受限制
英國有無良者濫用Google Earth的高質素星照片,找出有泳池的豪宅,然後趁業主外遊等機會,利用Facebook號召各方人士前往開派對。事件令濫用網上資源的問題再次引起關注。英國警方已發出警告,提醒業主警惕。
《每日郵報》報道,近日有人使用Google Earth,在互聯網的星照片中找出哪些豪宅有泳池。鎖定目標後,「主辦人」會利用Facebook等社交網站相約臭味相投者,開一個不請自來的派對。
《每日郵報》報道,近日有人使用Google Earth,在互聯網的星照片中找出哪些豪宅有泳池。鎖定目標後,「主辦人」會利用Facebook等社交網站相約臭味相投者,開一個不請自來的派對。
Some no-good kids in the UK have been harnessing the power of Google Earth to find houses with nice pools. Once a suitable house has been found, the kids use Facebook to send out some sort of “Crash This Pool” app or whatever the hell it is that you kids do on Facebook these days. Everyone shows up at the pool, beer and cigarettes in tow, and starts doing “the bump” or whatever the hell it is that you kids do at pool parties these days. Sounds fun, except for the part about how the pool and the house it’s attached to don’t belong to the kids. According to the Register…
“Owners of several plush poolside properties have already returned home to find teenagers taking a dip in their man-made lakes or their spoor: beer cans, dog-ends and vomit floating atop their once crystal-clear pools.”
If I had a pool and some kids showed up in the middle of the night. I’d sneak out into the yard and pretend I was one of them, drinking all their beer and smoking all their cigs. At the end of the night, I’d be like "Hey! Let’s rake this guy’s leaves, clean up after ourselves, and leave him some money! He’s probably pretty cool!"
Ah, sweet revenge.
“Owners of several plush poolside properties have already returned home to find teenagers taking a dip in their man-made lakes or their spoor: beer cans, dog-ends and vomit floating atop their once crystal-clear pools.”
If I had a pool and some kids showed up in the middle of the night. I’d sneak out into the yard and pretend I was one of them, drinking all their beer and smoking all their cigs. At the end of the night, I’d be like "Hey! Let’s rake this guy’s leaves, clean up after ourselves, and leave him some money! He’s probably pretty cool!"
Ah, sweet revenge.